We specialize in all facets of interior, exterior, and maintenance painting for homes and businesses. We take great care to always maintain a clean and tidy worksite since we realize that painting may be a stressful procedure. Chapman’s Construction provides dependable, cost-effective, and high-quality interior and exterior painting services.
Residential Painting
An interior painting project is an investment in your most valuable possession. Painting can significantly increase the selling value of your home as well as make your most niche details stand out. With expert quality work, your home will look brand new whether we are painting the walls, cabinets, or trim.
Commercial Painting
In North Carolina, commercial painting refers to painting a building’s surface as well as its interior or external walls or ceilings. Commercial painting may also involve painting decorative accents like trim, baseboards, window and door details, spandrels, and columns. While commercial painting is applicable to any building used for business purposes, it covers a wider range of surface types. Regardless, Chapman’s Construction can handle any & all of your potential commercial painting needs.
Interior Painting Service
Painting a building’s inside, including the walls and ceilings, is done to create the ideal appearance for any sort of interior. It can be used for multiple-surface projects on ceilings, walls, or big areas. Chapman’s Construction’s painters practice their craft on a remarkable variety of surfaces. The specifics of the job and the materials being painted determine the appropriate paint for bathrooms, woodwork, and molding. For instance, raw drywall needs to be sealed before brush-on paint is applied, whereas glossy metal surfaces require a primer with zinc infusion.
Painting the inside of a home or structure, including the walls and ceilings, is known as interior painting in North Carolina. It may be used on walls and ceilings and is designed to produce the ideal effect for any style of décor.
Exterior Painting Service
Painting the outside of your house or place of business can provide curb appeal and protect the structure from weather damage. Despite the difficulty of the job, Chapman’s Construction is well-equipped to manage a variety of painting projects. Painting contractors must be constantly conscious of paint jobs since exterior and interior paints have very distinct properties. Interior paints can be latex, oil-based, acrylic, or synthetic staining. Use exterior paints that are made to withstand weather conditions including rain, snow, and sun. Utilizing paints or other coatings to protect outside building components such as masonry, wood siding, concrete slabs, aluminum fence, windowpanes, and door frames is known as exterior painting.
Contact us to schedule a consultation for your next project.